Neotectonic, seismicity and seismotectonic data allow to define the Central Costa Rica Deformed Belt (CDCCR) as a wide and diffuse recent fault system located between the Caribbean plate and the Panama microplate, transverse to the central region of Costa Rica, and located between the Middle America Trench (Pacific side) and the North Panama Deformed Belt (Caribbean side). In the central pacific forearc, the fault system combines sinistral strike slip and normal slip. In the inner arc there is: 1) An external thrust fault system, with a predominantly WNW trend, and 2) An inner fault system including northwest dextral strike slip faults and east-northeast to northeast sinistral strike slip faults. In the backarc, the fault system joins the North Panama Deformed Belt, which shows an external northwest thrust and fold system and an inner northwest fault system combining dextral strike slip and reverse faulting. The neotectonic faults which define the CDCCR are related to the collision of the Cocos Ridge with southern Costa Rica. The tectonic indentation caused by this collision produces the tectonic displacement to the east and north of the Panama microplate relative to the Caribbean Plate. This tectonic process produces normal slip combined with sinistral strike slip faulting in the western pacific rear side of the diffuse limit, causing the development of marine basins transverse to the forearc. On the other hand, in the leading side of the limit, an external thrust and fold system has been developed between the inner arc and the backarc. The predominantly strike slip faulting located inside the inner arc allows translational as well as rotational movements between the diverse tectonic blocks of the plate boundary zone.
RESUMEN:Datos neotectónicos, de sismicidad y de sismotectónica son usados para definir el Cinturón Deformado del Centro de Costa Rica (CDCCR) como un sistema de fallas reciente, difuso y ancho localizado entre la placa Caribe y la microplaca de Panamá, el cual es transversal a la región central de Costa Rica y localizado entre la fosa Mesoamericana (lado pacífico) y el Cinturón Deformado del Norte de Panamá (sector caribe). En el antearco pacífico central, el sistema de fallas combina desplazamientos de rumbo siniestral y normal. En el arco interno existe: 1) Un sistema externo de fallas inversas, que tiene rumbo predominante WNW en la región norte del país y 2) Un sistema interno de fallas que está constituído principalmente por fallas de desplazamiento de rumbo de tipos dextrales de dirección NW y siniestrales con rumbo entre ENE y NE. En la región trasarco, el sistema de fallas del CDCCR se une con el Cinturón Deformado del Norte de Panamá, el cual incluye un sistema externo de fallamiento inverso y plegamiento de rumbo noroeste y otro interno de desplazamiento de rumbo dextral combinado con desplazamiento inverso de rumbo noroeste. Las fallas neotectónicas que constituyen el CDCCR son originadas por la colisión del levantamiento del Coco con el sur de Costa Rica. La indentación tectó...