Liquid-vapor coexistence curves and critical parameters for hard-core 1:1 electrolyte models with diameter ratios l s 2 ͞s 1 1 to 5.7 have been studied by fine-discretization Monte Carlo methods. Normalizing via the length scale s 6 1 2 ͑s 1 1 s 2 ͒, relevant for the low densities in question, both T ء c ( k B T c s 6 ͞q 2 ) and r ء c ( r c s 3 6 ) decrease rapidly (from Ӎ0.05 to 0.03 and 0.08 to 0.04, respectively) as l increases. These trends, which unequivocally contradict current theories, are closely mirrored by results for tightly tethered dipolar dimers (with T ء c lower by ϳ0% 11% and r ء c greater by 37% 12%). The formation of coexisting fluid phases of different electrolyte concentrations in ionic solutions has been the topic of numerous recent experimental [1], theoretical [2,3], and simulation studies [4][5][6][7]. The simplest models for electrolytes -the "primitive models"-treat the solvent as a uniform dielectric continuum. The most studied system is the restricted primitive model (RPM) that consists of equisized hard spheres, half carrying a charge 1q and half 2q. Recent simulations [4][5][6][7] agree with respect to the critical temperature and density for the vapor-liquid transition, finding the remarkably low values T ء c Ӎ 0.05 and r ء c Ӎ 0.07 [6]; see (1). By contrast to the RPM, the effects of charge and size asymmetry have not been extensively analyzed either theoretically or via simulation.Here we focus on the effects of size asymmetry on gas-liquid coexistence and critical parameters by studying hard-core primitive models for 1:1 electrolytes that have no restrictions on the relative magnitude of the diameters of the 1 and 2 ions, i.e., the so-called sizeasymmetric primitive model [3]. The first claim to treat size asymmetry theoretically appears already in Debye and Hückel's original paper [8,9] and extensions invoking Bjerrum ion pairing have been analyzed [9]. Other mean potential approaches include the symmetrized Poisson-Bolzmann and modified Poisson-Boltzmann [10] schemes. The mean spherical approximation (MSA) [2,3,10] and hypernetted-chain [11] integral equations have also been applied. Currently, however, there are no simulation results available to check these various theories.This work, which extends [12], provides a first study of the effects of size asymmetry on both critical parameters and liquid-vapor coexistence [13]. We find, in fact, a systematic trend of T c and r c with increasing size asymmetry that directly conflicts with the principal theories cited.To be specific, we consider a system of N hard spheres of diameter s 1 carrying charges 1q, and N of diameter s 2 carrying charges 2q. The interaction energy between two nonoverlapping ions, i and j, of charges q i and q j ( 6q) separated by distance r ij is U ij q i q j ͞Dr ij , where D represents the dielectric constant of the solvent which will be set to unity. The hard-sphere interactions are supposed additive so that the (1, 2)-ion collision diameter is s 6 1 2 ͑s 1 1 s 2 ͒. This, in fact, provides the...