In the Protestantism tradition, proclaiming God's Word through preaching is an important element in worship. This can be seen in the setting of the pulpit which is usually located in the center of the church architecture, in the middle of the order of worship, higher than the pew. This God's Word has been proclaimed since the early Christianity even before it, until nowadays. As long as the church exists, the God's Word will still be proclaimed. This proclamation of God's Word is based on the Bible. It is biblical preaching. The proclaimed Bible was written and booked in some centuries ago, in the very far place from the people of God in the Moluccas hic et nunc (here and now). The reality is the congregations are living in the post modern era, as "the digitalized audiences". This context of the audiences cannot be denied or avoided by the preachers. To neglect this reality means to present an ineffective preaching. Vice versa, to make the preaching is more effective and transformative, then a preacher has to address this context of the digitalized audiences, the congregations. Addressing this context is not only about saying it in a sermon or during a preaching. This has to be started even in sermon preparation. In reality, many preachers do not referse to this context. This article will present the characteristics of the digitalized audiences (congregations) that has to be concerned by a preacher in the preaching construction, deconstruction and reconstruction process, so the God's Word will still alive in the context of the digitalized congregations.