The World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund convened their Annual Meetings in Marrakech in 2023-the first time in Africa since the meetings were hosted in Nairobi, Kenya, 50 years ago.The setting for the 2023 World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings is relevant because Morocco's economic performance over the past few decades-characterized by significant economic stability and steadily improving living standards-holds inspiring lessons for other economies, particularly in the current highly uncertain geoeconomic environment. Moreover, Morocco's pursuit of ambitious reforms helped the country withstand serious shocks in recent years, including the COVID-19 pandemic, two severe droughts, and a terms-of-trade shock triggered by Russia's war in Ukraine.This book, Morocco's Quest for Stronger and Inclusive Growth, explores the factors underlying Morocco's resilience. The book points to the numerous reforms Morocco began a few decades ago, including measures to open the country to international trade, invest in key infrastructure, reduce nontargeted subsidies, strengthen the independence of the central bank, build a strong financial supervisory framework, and modernize governance in both the public and private sectors. Morocco's success in these areas suggests that these reforms are essential for countries in search of macroeconomic stability as a precondition for growth.For all the progress that has been made, more needs to be done to enable growth that is sustainable and inclusive. Recognizing this, Moroccan authorities designed a series of reforms amid the pandemic aimed at improving the social safety net, strengthening educational outcomes, promoting private entrepreneurship and access to finance, scaling up opportunities for women and youth, and mitigating the impact of climate change. This book describes several of these efforts, which could serve as good examples for other countries.Morocco is a gateway to Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. The Marrakech 2023 Annual Meetings provide an opportunity to recognize Morocco's strong commitment to economic reforms and stability and to promote the country as an example of how to build trade and investment links in a fragmenting world. I hope this book will help us in this endeavor and, even more important, that in the coming years we will continue to salute Morocco's progress in its long quest for robust, inclusive growth.