Most head and neck cancers are diagnosed in advanced stages, when the curative interventions are no longer possible. The assessment and the multidisciplinary therapeutic approach of the locally advanced cases are difficult since the onset of the disease becomes a significant challenge for the whole attending team (including both the patient and his family) because they have to deal with to an extensive symptomatology (abundant secretions, refractory pain, mutilations predominantly in the cephalic area), with the cure of stomas (tracheostomy, gastrostomy) and with various post-therapeutic sequelae. The present paper reflects the impact of late diagnosis, the complexity of the multimodal specific oncological treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, pal-liative and terminal treatment), the adaptation of medical care to the psycho-emotional structure, having as an example the case of 54-year old patient (with his consent) diagnosed with pharyn-golaryngeal neoplasm who presented himself to “St. Luca” Chronic Disease Hospital, the Oncol-ogy-Palliative Care Department, in September 2021. In patients with locally advanced head and neck cancers, besides the specifically oncological therapeutic decisions, the empathic-emotional connection between the medical team with the patient and his family plays a key role in the ther-apeutic conduct.