The cut-off of the Alfvén wave, caused by plasma collisions with neutrals in multi-component partially ionized plasmas, is discussed. Full multi-component theory is used, and similarities and differences regarding the classic magnetohydrodynamic theory are presented. It is shown that the cut-off in partially ionized plasma in principle may remain the same as predicted in classic magnetohydrodynamic works, although multi-component theory also yields some essential differences. Due to electric field, the ion motion is intrinsically two-dimensional and this results in additional forced oscillations of neutrals. One new small parameter, containing the ion inertial length, appears in the multi-component theory. This new small parameter is missing in the magnetohydrodynamic description, and it turns out that for some parameters it may be greater than the ions-to-neutrals density ratio which is the only small parameter in the magnetohydrodynamic description. Due to this the Alfvén wave behavior can become much different as compared to classic magnetohydrodynamic results. It is shown also that in plasmas with unmagnetized ions, Alfvén waves cannot be excited. This by all means applies to the solar photosphere where the ion collision frequency may be far above the ion gyro-frequency.