Starting from the usual formulation of nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, the expectation value of an operator A in a steady state nonequilibrium quantum system is shown to have the form {A) ==: Tr{e ~f iiH~Y) A}/Tv{e~p (H~Y) }, where H is the Hamiltonian, p is the inverse of the temperature, and Y is an operator which depends on how the system is driven out of equilibrium. Because {A) is not expressed as a sum of correlation functions integrated over real time, one can now consider performing nonperturbative calculations in interacting nonequilibrium quantum problems.PACS numbers: 72.10. Bg, 05.60,+w Nonequilibrium problems have come under increasing study in condensed matter physics. On the one hand, there exists a growing number of classical systems which undergo a phase transition as one drives them out of equilibrium. On the other hand, with technological advances allowing one to make measurements on smaller samples, it becomes easier to drive systems out of equilibrium. This is particularly true in making resistance measurements on very small (mesoscopic) devices at low temperatures [1], which is an inherently quantum problem. Furthermore, while linear response measurements do probe some equilibrium correlation functions, much more information can be obtained from the nonlinear response, which probes the full nonequilibrium problem. For example, nonlinear current-voltage characteristics in metal-insulator-superconductor tunnel junctions have long been used to determine the superconducting gap and the phonon density of states. In mesoscopic systems similar kinds of information about the density of states can be obtained from nonlinear transport [2][3][4][5].In spite of the experimental importance of studying nonlinear response there are far fewer theoretical techniques available for studying nonequilibrium quantum systems than for studying equilibrium ones. Again using the example of mesoscopic systems, the noninteracting quantum problem may be solved exactly using the scattering states for electrons coming from reservoirs which are at different chemical potentials. This is the essence of the Landauer formula [6] and its subsequent generalizations [7,8]. For an interacting system the nonlinear current-voltage characteristic can be computed by doing perturbation theory in the part of the Hamiltonian which drives the system out of equilibrium, e.g., an electric field or the tunneling between two leads at different chemical potentials. This perturbation theory, which we will call nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, involves summing a set of real time correlation functions for the linear, quadratic, cubic, etc., response to this interaction [9,10].While there are many problems for which a perturbation theory is perfectly satisfactory, there is a large class of problems of current interest for which a nonperturbative approach would be quite useful and perhaps even essential. In the case of mesoscopic systems it is now possible to tunnel through a one-dimensional wire [11], a small quantum...