Mass spectrometry-based proteomics is currently one of the key technologies for the identification of protein interaction networks in the cell (1-3). This technology has provided a wealth of information unraveling the complexity of these biological processes at the protein level. A detailed understanding of the function of these protein networks at the molecular level requires, however, characterization of the dynamics and structural properties of the interacting proteins. Structural analyses by NMR spectroscopy or x-ray crystallography require relatively large amounts of pure proteins (typically milligram quantities), and many proteins are furthermore not inherently amenable to analysis by these traditional techniques (e.g. modular proteins or proteins with heterogeneous glycosylation patterns are often reluctant to yield well diffracting crystals).An alternative approach for the characterization of protein complexes without these limitations is provided by carefully monitoring by mass spectrometry changes in the rates of amide hydrogen ( 1 H/ 2 H) exchange upon complex formation (4, 5). In a typical experimental set-up for investigation of conformational properties of a protein complex, the unligated proteins as well as the preformed protein complex are incubated separately in deuterated buffer under physiological conditions. Global deuterium incorporation kinetics are subsequently established by monitoring deuterium contents in these protein samples withdrawn at appropriate intervals with their amide hydrogen isotopic exchange quenched by acidification and cooling. Information about local deuterium incorporation is subsequently collected after pepsin digestion followed by reversed-phase LC-MS. The chromatography is carried out with cold protiated solvents allowing effective back-exchange at all exchangeable sites with protium ( 1 H) with the sole exception of the amide groups forming the polypeptide chain. The actual number of individual amide hydrogens that can be resolved by this method, however, is limited by the number and sizes of peptides generated by pepsin. Overlapping sequence coverage is often provided by the broad specificity of pepsin, and although this promiscuity in substrate recognition increases the resolution in the local assignment of deuterium incorporation, single residue information can generally be obtained for only a few positions (6). For a first hand view, gas-phase fragmentation in the mass spectrometer may appear to be the logical choice for an auxiliary method providing the desired site-specific informaFrom the ‡Department