AMS Ocean Studies is an introductory college-level course developed by the American Meteorological Society, with NOAA support, for implementation at undergraduate institutions globally. The course places students in a dynamic and highly motivational educational environment where they investigate the role of the ocean in the Earth System by using real-world, current environmental data. Since the fall 2005 semester, one-hundred colleges and universities have implemented this course. The American Meteorological Society's AMS Ocean Studies Diversity Project aims to increase undergraduate student access to the geosciences through course implementation at minority-serving institutions and training programs for MSI faculty.
AMS Ocean Studies includes a fully-integrated set of printedand online learning materials. The comprehensive course package consists of a new hard-cover, 15-chapter textbook, Investigations Manual, course website containing current ocean investigations, and course management system-compatible files. Instructors can use these resources in combinations that make for an exciting learning experience for their students.The brand-new Ocean Studies: Introduction to Oceanography 2 nd edition text, edited by Joseph M. Moran, significantly revises and updates the 1 st edition to place even greater emphasis on the Ocean in the Earth System, the Ocean in Earth's Climate System, and In-situ and Remote Ocean Sensing. New, expanded, or significantly updated topics in the new text include Hydrothermal Vents, Ocean Acidification, Thermohaline Circulation, Tsunami, Beaches and Barrier Islands, Global Climate Change, and Arctic Sea Ice. The new edition even includes information about the recent, devastating Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar.The textbook is typically used in conjunction with the Investigations Manual and course website, but can also be used alone in a traditional lecture-style course.The AMS Ocean Studies Investigations Manual's 30 lab-style activities lead students through the analysis and interpretation of real-world ocean data. An inflatable globe packaged with the Manual enhances visualization of ocean phenomena, such as currents, tides, and El Niña/La Niña. The course website contains weekly Current Ocean Studies investigations during fall and spring semesters. These activities, which can be used to supplement the Investigations Manual, allow for the examination of even more up-to-date ocean data. The website also contains the Weekly Ocean News and numerous links to physical and chemical, geological, and biological oceanographic data and information.Instructor support materials include a faculty CD with a faculty manual, chapter test banks, textbook images, and other resources.
The faculty website contains answer keys for Investigations Manual and Current Ocean Studies questions. The Investigations Manual and Current Ocean Studies activities and test banks are provided in Respondus format and can be ported into a college's quizzing function for automated scoring and immediate student feedback. This feature...