The key indicators of personal achievements and professional accomplishments, in particular, education, effective communication skills, self-esteem, and worldview, and the appropriate degree of professionally significant qualities are often formed and developed based on a high level of cognitive independence. Given this, the cognitive independence of a personality can determine the vector of his or her successful actualization in the course of education and professional activities. The article aims to study the manifestation of the indicators of cognitive independence in cadets and their relationship with academic performance. The empirical research involved 132 fourth-year cadets of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv). The cadets’ cognitive indicators were assessed by the expert group consisting of the research and educational personnel of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (12 people). The cadets’ cognitive independence results were determined by four main components: motivational, activity, psychological, and ideological. It has been found that cadets’ cognitive activity is in direct correlation with their gnostic abilities, which determine the quality, speed, and effectiveness of their cognitive independence. The research has found that the cognitive independence of future specialists is reflected in their further personal and professional self-actualization and manifests itself at three levels: professional self-determination (training in the chosen specialty), individual development, and personal formation. It has been stated that cadets generally demonstrate a sufficient level of readiness for cognitive independence during their educational activities. Given this, there is a need to create a favorable educational environment for the development of cadets’ cognitive independence, which in the future can be reflected in the positive indicators of their education and professional activities.