1 The eects of intravenous infusion of prostacyclin (PGI 2 , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 1.0 mg kg 71 min 71 lasting 5 min) on regional blood¯ow and regional vascular resistance have been studied in awake rats using the radioactive microsphere method.2 The control values of blood¯ow to the heart, kidney, small intestine, hind limb muscle, pericranial skin and brain as well as the corresponding vascular resistance were not modi®ed by an i.v. infusion (0.1 ml min ) with corresponding reductions in blood¯ow. The low doses reduced renal blood¯ow but there were no signi®cant changes during the high ones. Cerebral vessels did not dilate during any infusion of PGI 2 and cerebral blood¯ow decreased as MAP fell (r=0.56, P50.01). 5 We conclude that, in awake rats, the coronary vessels are extremely sensitive to the vasodilating eect of PGI 2 and that the mesenteric vessels and those of the pericranial skin are very responsive too. Moreover, autoregulation is inecient to maintain cerebral blood¯ow during infusion of PGI 2 .