The accumulation of tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP@), 5,5'-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione (DMO), and a micro pH electrode were used to measure membrane potential, intracellular and extracellular pH, respectively, upon the addition of exogenous sucrose to soybean cotyledon protoplasts. Addition of sucrose caused a specific and transient (a) depolarization of the membrane potential (measured by TPPF accumulation), (b) acidification of the intracellular pH (measured by DMO accumulation), and (c) alkalization of the external medium (measured by a micro pH electrode). The time course for all these changes was similar (i.e. 5 to 10 minutes). Based on the rate of sucrose uptake and alkalization of the external medium, a stoichiometry of 1.02 to 1.10 for proton to sucrose was estimated. These data strongly support a proton/sucrose cotransporting mechanism in soybean cotyledon cells.Kinetic analyses of sugar uptake into protoplasts isolated from a rapidly growing soybean cotyledon revealed that at low external sugar concentrations, sucrose is preferentially transported over glucose (14,22). This difference in sugar uptake is mainly due to the presence of a saturable uptake component for sucrose but not for glucose (14,22). The responses of sucrose uptake into protoplasts (14,22) and excised intact soybean cotyledons (9,26) to the external pH, temperature, and several metabolic inhibitors suggested a proton cotransport mechanism in sucrose uptake, but the evidence was circumstantial at best. Electrogenic sucrose/proton transport predicts that the addition of sucrose could cause (a) a transient depolarization of the membrane potential because of the initial influx of the charged proton, (b) a transient acidification of the internal cytoplasm resulting from proton entry, and (c) alkalinization of the external medium due to proton disappearance from the medium. These changes should both be transient (because of the re-establishing of the proton gradient by an active proton pump) and specific for sucrose.In this study, we used TPP+2 (2,6,7,12,(18)(19)(20)(21)27), DMO (3,6,24,25), and external pH monitor (6-8, 17, 18, 31) plasts isolated from developing soybean cotyledons. The stoichiometry of sucrose and proton in the system was also estimated. The results strongly support a sucrose/proton cotransport in soybean cotyledons.
MATERIALS AND METHODSProtoplasts were isolated from developing soybean (Glycine max L. Merr cv Wye) cotyledons as described previously (14) and suspended for all experiments in a basic medium of 0.5 M sorbitol, 10 mM CaCl2, and 25 mM Mes-KOH (pH 6.0). Sucrose uptake into the protoplasts was also according to Lin et al. (14) except as noted.The electric potential difference between the protoplasts and the surrounding medium (membrane potential of the protoplast) was calculated using the Nernst equation (15) from the distribution of TPP+ between protoplasts and medium. After incubation with labeled [3H]TPP+ (diluted with 8 gM unlabeled TPP+, final specific radioactivity 125 gCi/mmol) for various time...