Burning-rate characteristics and thermal-wave structures of NOSOL-363 stick propellant under erosive-and strand-burning conditions were studied using a real-time x-ray radiography system, a strand burner setup, and fine-wire thermocouples. For the erosive-burning rate measurements, locations of instantaneous burning surfaces along the center perforation of a cylindrical propellant grain were determined by comparison of x-ray images obtained during a test and calibration images. The burning rates under strong crossflow conditions, deduced from the instantaneous burning-surface locations, were found to be much higher (up to 2.5 times) than the strand-burning rate of NOSOL-363 stick propellant. This study demonstrated that real-time x-ray radiography is a powerful and reliable tool for nonintrusive measurements of instantaneous burning rates in an optically opaque test chamber. From the strand-burning rate data and thermal-wave structures, a set of important thermochemical properties of NOSOL-363 stick propellant was deduced.
Nomenclature= preexponential factor, m/s = normalized cross correlation = activation energy, J/mole = x-ray intensity arriving at the input screen of the image intensifier at an angle of 6, R/s = initial x-ray intensity = interaction length of x-ray and propellant, m = linear attenuation coefficient of photoelectric absorption, 1/m = total number of pixels = universal gas constant, J/mole-K = burning rate, m/s = strand burning rate, m/s = burning surface temperature, K = room temperature, K = intensity of x-ray at the nth pixel location of a calibration image, R/s = intensity of x-ray at the nth pixel location of an actual test-firing image, R/s a p = thermal diffusivity of a propellant, m 2 /s