A tracer method has been described by Graham, Spinks, and Thorvaldson for investigating the mechanisms of solid-liquid reactions. The present work represents an attempt to develop the theory of this method in detail and thereby allow for a greater variety of experimental conditions. Thus, no restrictions are placed on the compositions of the reacting and product solids, nor on the initial location of the tracer. The effect of exchange between the liquid and both solids is talcen into account. Furthermore, two different systenls of mechanisms are considered. In the one, which is shown to be the more realistic when rapid, multidirectional "external" exchange is present, mechanisms are classified according to whether or not the reaction proceeds a t the surfaces of the solids; in the other, applicable in the absence of "external" exchange or when the exchange is slow, mechanisms are classified according t o the degree of mixing with the liquid of successively reacting portions of the reacting solid.
INTRODUCTIONA solid-liquid reaction may be defined as one in which a solid of low solubility (the reacting solid) reacts with a liquid to forin a second solid of even lower solubility (the product solid), the term liquid being here intended to include both solveilt and solute indiscriminately. Reactions of this kind are of particular interest in cement chemistry, since they are responsible for both the setting and deterioratioil of cenlentitious substances (2). Specific examples include the hydrations of the calciuin silicates (I), CaS04.+I-120 (3), and CaO (4); the conversion of illsoluble sulphates to carbonates (5, p. 585); and the reactions described in reference 6. Innumerable variations in the details of solid-liquid reaction mechanisms are undoubtedly possible; however, the mechanisms will tend to fall into general classes or systems which represent to first approximation the liinits of experiinental distinguishability. One such system, much usecl in past work (1,3, 4), considers the degree of mixing with the liquid of successively reacting portions of the reacting solid (Fig. 1A). Thus, in a "through-solutio~~" inechanisin the reacting solid passes into solution before precipitating as product solid (7). In a "direct" mechanism, on the other hand, the reacting solid is converted to the product solid \vithout an intermediate inixing with the body of the liquid; the liquid is, however, assunled to receive or supply inaterial as required by the balanced reaction equation (3, 4). Depending on the relative ease of the "throughsolution" and "direct" routes, mixed nlechanisnls inight also occur.A possible alternative to the above s>.stein of mechanisms considers whether or not the reaction proceeds a t the surfaces of the solids (Fig. 1B). In a "surface" mechanism material is transferred from the surface of the reacting solid to that of the product solid, with or without mixing with the body of the liquid. In an "internal" mechanism reaction proceeds as a result of liquid diffusing, or otherwise penetrating, ...