In the spinal cat, a single volley in afferent fibres of one segment evokes a response in some preganglionic axons emerging from the same and from nearby segments. The maagnitude and latency of the refle'x response can be varied by gradation of the afferent volley; however, the fact that certain preganglionic fibres exhibiting background activity do not respond to the afferent volley indicates that not all of the neurones forming a given preganglionic ramus participate in the reflex. The initial description of this reflex (Beacham & Perl, 1964) left unanswered many questions about its functional organization, such as the conduction velocity of the responsible afferent fibres, the temporal recovery of reflex excitability and the effects produced by conditioning and tetanic afferent stimulation. The present study provides information on these points. From the results it is evident that, while the sympathetic reflex under consideration can be depressed or inhibited, facilitation of the response to a large afferent volley is rare.
METHODSAll experiments were done on adult-cats made decapitate under ether anaesthesia by a spinal section at C-1 and by complete occlusion of the circulation to the head. After spinal section, anaesthesia was stopped and the preparations were maintained by positive-pressure artificial respiration: the respiratory rate and pressure were controlled to maintain the endtidal CO2 close to 5% (measured by a Beckman LB-1 infrared CO2 detector). Deep body temperatures were maintained between 36 and 38°C. Repeated injections of Flaxedil (gallamine triethiodide, American Cyanamid Company) were routinely used to give continued, total skeletal muscle paralysis. Five to 18 hr elapsed between spinal transection and the reported observations. Afferent volleys were initiated by stimulation of dorsal root filaments or segmental spinal nerves with 0-1 msec rectangular pulses. Stimulation of spinal nerves was arranged so that the stimulating cathode lay at least 10 mm distal to separation of the preganglionic bundle. Afferent activity was monitored by recording between an electrode placed on the dorsal root entrance zone and an indifferent electrode on adjacent bone.Recordings of preganglionic activity were made from axons in the segmental rami communicantes after removal of the connective tissue sheath, and often after splitting of the preganglionic bundle with the aid of a binocular microscope. If the reflex discharge observed consisted of activity in more than one or two elements, its magnitude was estimated from the area under the potential produced by the evoked response. In some instances, this was obtained from enlargements of photographs of the response, using a planimeter. Since the