The present research explores the impact of training and innovation on organisational performance. Additionally, this research scrutinises how job satisfaction partially mediates the impact of training and innovation on organisational performance. Therefore, in order to achieve the objective of this research, the survey procedure using single-stage cluster sampling method is used to develop an in-depth profile, which is gathered from 653 out of 800 formal standardised questionnaires sent to employees who are in the managerial or supervisory level and above at 400 hotels in West Malaysia. For this research, only two questionnaires were distributed to the managers of each hotel. This research employed quantitative methods to produce empirical results and shreds of evidence that fulfil the research questions. The literature scrutinised training, innovation, job satisfaction, and organisational performance to fill the gap and to uncover the significance of training programs and innovation on organisational performance with job satisfaction as the mediator. The analysis shows that training and innovation are statistically significant and has a strong relationship with job satisfaction and organisational performance. Conclusively, the hypothesis depicted that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between training and innovation on organisational performance in the hospitality industry. Thus, the findings of this study could aid as an example to other hoteliers in Malaysia to not presume the impact of training and innovativeness on organisational performance. By embarking on training and being innovative, hotels could rise against all odds, remain productive, and maintain competitiveness.
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