Effeel ofthe a-glucosidase inhibitor, acarhose, on disaccharide sphtting enzymes in human denta] plaque. Scand. J. Dent. Res. 1982: 90: 124-130. Abstract -Inhibition of microbial enzymes in human dental plaqtie catalyzing the cleavage of the disaccharides maltose, sucrose and lactose was carried out with the a-glucosidase inhibitor, acarbose. The maltases from piaque homogenates were totally inhibited, whereas the inhibition ofthe iBvertases varied considerably. With increasing inhibitor conceotrations, from 1 mM to 50 mM, the inhibition of the invertases increased. Preincubation Ibr 30 min ofthe plaque homogenate with inhibitor resulted in a 20% increase ofthe inhibition of invertase activity. The inhibitor showed non-competitive inhibition of the invertases in the homogenates, whereas tbe maltases were competitively inhibited. The lactases were not inhibited at all. The invertases from human dental plaque may be oi-glucosidases and/or P-fructosidases.