A total of 44 strains of bacteria were isolated from rumen contents of the goat. Based on morphology, Gram stain, anaerobiosis, motility, and fermentation end products, they were grouped into 11 different types. For each type, all or representative strains were characterized in detail. The type, number of strains characterized over total number of strains, and identification were as follows: type 1, 6/21, atypical Butyrivibrio fibriosolvens; type 2, 6/9, atypical Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens; type 3, 3/3, genus uncertain; type 4, 2/2, genus uncertain; type 5, 3/ 3, Streptoccous bovis; type 6, 1/1, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens; type 7, 1/1, Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. ruminicola; type 8, 1/1, Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. brevis; type 9, 1/1, family Peptococcaceae, genus uncertain; type 10, 1/1, genus Bacteroides; type 11, 1/1, genus Bacteroides. About 70% of the isolated strains were classified as Butyrivibrio, which is quite high compared with previous studies in cattle on similar rations. Of the 30 strains listed as type 1 and 2, the 12 studied further were characterized as atypical Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, which differed from the species description primarily by their inability to hydrolyze starch and lack of gas production.