Abstract. Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space and E a Hausdorff topological vector space (TVS). In this note, we study the notion of trans-separability for certain subspaces of Cb(X, E) endowed with the c-compact-open and some related topologies.Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space and E a Hausdorff topological vector space (TVS) with a base W of balanced neighbourhoods of 0, and let Cb(X, E) (resp. C RC (X, E) ) denote the vector space of all continuous i?-valued functions / on X such that F(X) is bounded (resp. relatively compact). Let CQ(X,E) be the subspace of Cb(X,E) consisting of those functions which vanish at infinity.When E is the real or complex field, C B {X,E) = C RC (X,E) and we denote this by Cb(X) and CQ(X, E) by CQ(X). The a-compact-open topology a (resp. compact-open topology k, countable-open topology ao) [4,5,11]
on CB(X,E)is defined as the linear topology which has a base of neighbourhoods of 0 consisting of all sets of the form
N(A, W) = {fe Cb(X, E) : f(A) C W},where A varies over all er-compact (resp. compact, countable) subsets of X and W € W. The uniform topology u on Cb(X, E) is the linear topology which has a base of neighbourhoods of 0 consisting of all sets of the formwhere W e W. Clearly, a 0 < a < u and k < a. Further, by ([11], Theorem 3.3), a = u iff X = A for some a-compact subset A; k = a iff every cr-compact subset of X is relatively compact; oo = u iff X is separable. For any A C X, let || . m denote the seminorm on Cb(X) given by || / \\ A = sup l6j4 |/(®)|, / e C b (X). We shall denote by C b (X) ® E the vector subspace of Cb(X, E) spaned by the set of all functions of the form 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46E10; Secondary 46E40, 46A10.