-We study a model of Tensorial Group Field Theory (TGFT) on R 3 from the point of view of the Functional Renormalisation Group. This is the first attempt to apply a renormalisation procedure to a TGFT model defined over a non-compact group manifold. IR divergences (with respect to the metric on R) coming from the non-compactness of the group are regularised via compactification, and a thermodynamic limit is then taken. We identify then IR and UV fixed points of the RG flow and find strong hints of a phase transition of the TGFT system from a symmetric to a broken or condensate phase in the IR.Introduction. -Group Field Theories [1-5] (GFTs) are a particular class of quantum field theories with fields defined over a group manifold and characterised by combinatorially non-local interaction terms. This combinatorial non-locality makes the Feynman diagrams of the theory stranded diagrams dual to cellular complexes (simplicial complexes in the simplest constructions) [1,3]. GFT's historically were born from an attempt to generalise matrix models [6] of 2d gravity to higher dimensions in the form of tensor models [7][8][9]. These models were soon enriched with group theoretic data in such a way that the Feynman amplitudes of specific GFT models coincide with state sum models of topological field theory [9,10]. A connection between GFTs and Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) [11,12] was immediately pointed out [13] at the level of quantum states, and later enforced at the level of the quantum dynamics. In fact, it was later shown [14] that GFTs provide a formal (complete) definition of spin foams models, a covariant formalism for LQG. For GFTs (and spin foam models) endowed with a discrete geometric interpretation (which requires appropriate group theoretic data and suitable choices of dynamics) there is also a direct link with simplicial quantum gravity path integrals, first manifested in the semiclassical analysis of GFT Feynman (spin foam) amplitudes, where one recovers the Regge action [15], and then shown to be generically manifest in the flux repre-