Stylolites, pressure shadows or flattened pebbles are common observations in the first 15 km of the Earth's crust (Gratier et al., 2013). They are markers of anisotropic mineral dissolution and mass transfer. Dissolution occurs when fluid is undersaturated with respect to equilibrium. As many mineral solubilities increase with pressure (Dolejš & Manning, 2011;Eugster & Baumgartner, 1987), grain-to-grain surfaces under high normal stress can locally dissolve. The dissolved aqueous species then diffuse and precipitate at surfaces under low normal stress. This process of mass transfer called pressure solution induces compaction by creep at large scale (Durney, 1972). In the presence of fluid and at temperature below 500 °C, pressure solution is thought to be the dominant deformation mechanism in Earth's crust (Gratier & Gamond, 1990;Rutter, 1976). Pressure solution theory is based on the presence at grain contacts of a thin aqueous film to provide the dissolved aqueous species necessary for crystal growth and transmit the normal stress across the grain contact (Rutter, 1976(Rutter, , 1983. The thinner estimates of aqueous film thickness ranges from 1 to 100 nm (