1 Fac ulty of Min ing, Ge ol ogy and Pe tro leum En gi neer ing, Uni ver sity of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, Zagreb, Croatia Mt. Medvednica is an inselberg in NW Croatia, which lies at the in ter sec tion be tween the Southeastern Alps, Northwestern Dinarides and Tisza Mega-Unit of the Pannonian Ba sin. Due to the Pliocene-Quaternary N-S di rected short en ing, Mt. Medvednica ex pe ri enced 1500-2000 m of dif fer en tial up lift and now ex poses pre-Neo gene and Neo gene tec tonic and stratigraphic units that are sur rounded by Pliocene-Quaternary sed i ments. This pa per eval u ates a set of quan ti ta tive morphometry meth ods used to iden tify tec toni cally ac tive ar eas within this re gion characterized by low-rate ac tive fold ing and fault ing dur ing the Pliocene-Quaternary. Our anal y sis em ployed ex trac tion of hypsometric curves, cal cu la tion of a hypsometric in te gral, asym me try fac tor, and sta tis ti cal pa ram e ters of lon gi tu di nal stream pro files along 36 drain age bas ins de lin eated from a 25 m res o lu tion DEM of Mt. Medvednica area. De spite lithological het er o ge ne ity of the study area, the morphometric pa ram e ters we ob tain are good in di ca tors for dis crim i nat ing tec toni cally ac tive from in ac tive ar eas. We in terpret that the most tec toni cally ac tive ar eas are lo cated at the SW cor ner and in the cen tral part of Mt. Medvednica, where they are likely re lated to the North Medvednica Bound ary Fault, and to the Kašina Fault, re spec tively. The lat ter di vides the range into dis tinct NE and SW mor pho log i cal and struc tural ar eas.