For an arrangement with complement X and fundamental group G, we relate the truncated cohomology ring, H ≤2 (X), to the second nilpotent quotient, G/G 3 . We define invariants of G/G 3 by counting normal subgroups of a fixed prime index p, according to their abelianization. We show how to compute this distribution from the resonance varieties of the Orlik-Solomon algebra mod p. As an application, we establish the cohomology classification of 2-arrangements of n ≤ 6 planes in R 4 .
2.For q = 1, questions (I) and (II) are equivalent, provided H 1 is torsion free. Indeed, H 1 (X) = G/G 2 under that assumption. For q = 2, the two questions are still equivalent, under some additional conditions: If H 2 is also torsion-free, and the cup-product map µ : H 1 ∧ H 1 → H 2 is surjective, then: