Roughly half of the elements heavier than iron in the Universe are believed to be synthesized in the late evolutionary stages of stars with masses between 0.8 and 8 solar masses. Deep inside the star, nuclei (mainly iron) capture neutrons and progressively build up ('s-process' 1, 2 ) heavier elements which are recurrently 'dredged-up' towards the stellar surface. Two neutron sources, activated at distinct temperatures, have been proposed: 13 C(α, n) 16 O or 22 Ne(α, n) 25 Mg. To explain measured stellar abundances 1-7 , stellar evolution models invoking the 13 C(α, n) 16 O neutron source which operates at temperatures of ~ 10 8 K are favored. However, isotopic ratios in primitive meteorites, reflecting nucleosynthesis in previous generations of stars, point at higher temperatures (above 3 × 10 8 K) 1 , requiring at least a late activation of 22 Ne(α, n) 25 Mg. Here we report on a determination of the s-process temperature directly in stars, using accurate zirconium and niobium abundances, independently of stellar evolution models. The derived temperature clearly supports 13 C(α,n) 16 O as the s-process neutron source. The radioactive pair 93 Zr -93 Nb used to estimate the s-process temperature also provides, together with the 99 Tc -99 Ru pair, chronometric information on the time elapsed since the start of the s-process (1-3 Myr).We obtained high-resolution spectra of 17 S stars and of 6 M stars with the high-resolution HERMES spectrograph 8 (λ⁄Δλ = 80 000, Extended Data Table 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1). S stars are s-process-enriched red giants with effective temperatures in the range 3000 to 4000 K, while M stars are similar giant stars but showing no s-process enhancement. Stellar parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, carbon-to-oxygen ratio, s-process enhancement, and metallicity [Fe/H] = log 10 (N(Fe)⁄N(H)) star -log 10 (N(Fe)⁄N(H)) , where N(A) is the number density of element A and denotes the Sun), are determined by comparing observational data with predicted spectra and photometric colors 9 , computed from a grid of dedicated model atmospheres 10,11 . Fe, Zr, Nb and Tc abundances are derived, as well as the corresponding errors arising from estimated uncertainties on the stellar parameters (Extended Data Tables 2 -5 and Extended Data Fig. 2).Actually, S stars come in two varieties according to the presence or absence of Tc, a chemical element with no stable isotope. Extrinsic S stars lack Tc and are all binaries 12 . The atmosphere of these giant stars contains s-process material transferred from a companion that has completed its path through the asymptotic giant branch phase, and therefore reflects the entire s-process production history. We use the N(Nb)⁄N(Zr) ratio in these extrinsic S stars to derive the s-process temperature.Mono-isotopic Nb can only be produced by β-decay of 93 Zr. In extrinsic S stars, the time elapsed since the end of the mass transfer is much longer than the 93 Zr half-life (τ 1⁄2 = 1.53 Myr). Consequently, the N(Zr)⁄N(Nb) abundance measured today in the extrins...