S i; M M .'\ R YScots pine seedlings (1-yr-old) were inoculated eitbe;-once, or three times, with the conidia of two saprophytic Hormonema species. After these inoculations, the seedlings were inoculated later with conidia of the pathogenic fungus Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet. Seedlings received irrigation with simulated acid rain at pH 3, with water of pH 6, or no irrigation, during and after the inoculation treatments. The severity of tbe symptoms caused by G. abietina, and the isolation frequency of endophytic (symptomless) G. abietina and the saprophytes, were measured 11 months after G. abietina inoculation. The isolation frequencies of the two Hormonema species increased significantly in the seedlings inoculated three times witb saprophyte conidia. Irrigation treatments did not affect tbe saprophytes. The disease symptoms caused by G. abietma were positively correlated with tree density. Symptomless G. abietina was isolated most often from the seedlings that had received irrigation at pH 6. The isolation frequency was lowest in seedlings with acidic irrigation. The seedlings inoculated tbree times with conidia of Hormonerrta sp. 1 bad a lower frequency of G. abietina isolations than other seedlings, but the difference was not statistically significant.