This study aims at developing a Management Information System Model that is in accordance with the implementation of Basic Training for Civil Servant Candidates at the Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development Lubuklinggau. The method used is Research and Development with the Gall and Borg system development model which is modified into three stages: preliminary study, model design development study, and model validation evaluation. The research subjects were the organizers, widyaiswara, and participants of the Basic Training. Techniques for collecting the data were interviews and questionnaires. The data obtained were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. The product is an application of the Basic Training Management Information System called simlatsar. The results of the research were (1) the administration system of the basic training has not optimally utilized information technology, (2) SIMLatSar which was developed in accordance with the management of the Basic Training implementation, namely planning, implementation, supervision and control which is intended for three users, namely administrators, widyaiswara, and participants, (3) SIMLatSar users strongly agree with the SIMLatSar design because it meets the Service Quality (Servqual) elements which include tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy, (4) users strongly agree that SIMLatSar is easy to understand, useful and appropriates to their needs, and (5) SIMLatSar is declared technically, economically, legally, operationally and schedule feasible to be used at Basic Training for Civil Servant Candidates implemented by BKPSDM Lubuklinggau.