The purpose of this research was to explore the implementation of Islamic humanism in the lifestyle of the Rogoselo religious tourism village community in developing it into a halal tourism village. This type of research is a field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The research location is in the religious tourism village of Rogoselo, Doro, Kab. Pekalongan. Sources of research data come from observations, interviews, and documentation, as well as the monograph report of Rogoselo village and relevant literature. The research data collection techniques used the participant observation method, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The research data analysis tool uses interactive analysis with member checks as a test of the validity of the data. The results of the study conclude that the development of rural tourism in the village of Rogoselo is based on the empowerment of local communities which leads to the integration of sharia in the values of Islamic humanism and halal lifestyle in its tourism activities. Rogoselo has the potential to be developed into a sustainable religious tourism village through transformation into a halal tourism village. Rogoselo has implemented the principles of Islamic humanism and halal lifestyle values based on self-declaration in its tourism activities and attractions partially. This initial step in Rogoselo village is part of the implementation of the at-tadarruj concept in implementing a halal tourism system in rural areas based on the values of Islamic humanism and halal lifestyle. As written in the qāidah ushul fiqh, what cannot be achieved by all, must not be abandoned altogether.