Financing capital-intensive projects in the green economy is possible through green bonds. The assessment of the economic efficiency of the green bond market, the determination of its role in ensuring the energy and economic security of the regions and the development of directions and instruments for improving the efficiency and significance of the market for the Russian Federation are the aim of the study. The methodology involved the determination of the autocorrelation presence in the calendar series of bond yields using the Broysch-Godfrey LM test, the application of applied statistics methods to verify the existence of calendar effects on the stock exchange and analyze market reviews. Data on the green bond market were compared with data on other bonds. Market performance calculations were based on the S&P Green Bond Index and S&P 500 Bond Index. Features and benefits of green bonds as an instrument to ensure regional security were identified. The lack of market efficiency for green and other bonds, even in a weak form, was shown. The necessary institutional changes to improve the efficiency of the green bond market and develop it in the Russian Federation have been proposed. The findings are of theoretical importance, complementing the work on testing the hypothesis of an effective market, and of practical importance in the form of recommendations for on market improving.