AbstrakPenelitian tentang ngengat masih sangat sedikit dilakukan di Indonesia terutama di kawasan Universitas Riau dan Desa Siabu Kampar belum ada datanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keanekaragaman fenotip ngengat berdasarkan karakter morfologi untuk mengetahui jarak genetik ngengat di kawasan Universitas Riau dan Desa Siabu. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2016 hingga Mei 2017. Lokasi pengambilan sampel terdapat di dua kawasan dengan enam lokasi yang berbeda yaitu Universitas Riau (Arboretum, Kebun FMIPA, Rusunawa) dan Desa Siabu (perumahan warga, Bukit Tentado dan hutan sekunder). Metode sampling mengunakan perangkap layar (light trap) sebagai sumber cahaya digunakan lampu mercuri merk Philips 160 watt. Bagian tubuh ngengat yang diamati adalah kepala, torak, abdomen dan sayap, jumlah karakter morfologi yang diamati adalah 24 karakter. Setiap karakter morfologi diberi skor kemudian dianalisis menggunakan program NTSYS ps versi 2.02i. Hasil yang didapat yaitu 61 spesies dengan 414 individu dari 10 famili ngengat. Keanekaragaman fenetik ngengat di Universitas Riau dan Desa Siabu berturut turut adalah 87% dan 78%. Ngengat dari kedua kawasan menunjukkan perbedaan pada karakter ukuran, namun tidak pada karakter morfologi dan warna. Terdapat adanya kemiripan sebesar 66% antara ngengat yang dikoleksi dari Universitas Riau (kebun FMIPA, rusunawa) dengan Desa Siabu (Bukit Tentado dan hutan sekunder).Abstract Research on moths is still very few in Indonesia. Especially in the area of Riau University and Siabu Kampar Village. There is no datum about moths. The objective of this research is to analyze the genetic diversity of moths in Riau University and Siabu Vilage, Riau Province based on morphological characters. The study was conducted from December 2016 to May 2017. The moths were collected from two areas with six different locations such as Riau University (arboretum of mathematics and science faculty) and Siabu Village (village residence, Tentado Hill, and secondary forest). The sampling method that used was the light trap, with 160 watts of mercury, was used as a light source. The parts of the body observed were head, thorax, abdomen, and wings with the number of morphological characters observed by 24 characters. Morphological characters were observed and scored and then analyzed using the NTSYSp c version 2.02i software. The results showed that there were 61 species with 414 individuals from 10 families of moths. The genetic diversity of moth in the Riau University and Siabu Village was 87% and 78%. Moths on both locations indicated no difference in the shape and color, but they were different in size. Moths from FMIPA garden and rusunawa had 66% genetic similarity to one from Tentado Hill and secondary forest.