State-of-the-art in implementing multimedia applications is their development "from scratch". Application programmers have to re-implement common functions, such as communication control, anew for each multimedia application. To overcome the inefficiency, functions common to different networked multimedia applications (the so-caUed midd]eware) should be provided via application-oriented programming abstractions. Based on our Multimedia Reference Mode] as an overaU conceptual framework we focus on an important midd]eware part, caned session management and control (SMC). It realizes functions to unify and simplify the usage of data processing and data transfer capabiJities of the basic communication and operating systems. We explain concepts and motivation of the basic SMC functionaJity and iHustrate them by an example scenario. Keywords Mu]timedia, middleware, session management and control, application programming interface, stream control, quality of service Intelligent Networks 8Dd Intelligence in Networks D. Gaiti (Ed.