The purpose of this study was to describe the use of repetition and feedback methods to support learning in slow learners. The use of the repetition and feedback method is carried out by teachers who have slow learners at SD Negeri Klepu 02.The research method by taking descriptive elements produces case study data with purposive sampling technique which obtains an overview of the use of repetition and feedback methods in supporting the learning of slow learners. Data collection was done through participatory observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation data. After that, to get the validity of the data, a triangulation process of sources and techniques is needed. Technical activities of qualitative data analysis include data reduction and data presentation, and at the end of drawing conclusions.The results of the study show that the use of repetition and feedback methods can support the learning of slow learners. Slow learners' learning achievement increases and has a high enthusiasm for learning even though it takes a lot of time to repeat the material, and slow learners show a disciplined character in complying with existing school rules and discipline to keep learning.