Owing to the inherent difficulties of studying bluefin tuna, nothing is known of the cardiovascular function of free-swimming fish. Here, we surgically implanted newly designed data loggers into the visceral cavity of juvenile southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii ) to measure changes in the heart rate ( f H ) and visceral temperature (T V ) during a two-week feeding regime in sea pens at Port Lincoln, Australia. Fish ranged in body mass from 10 to 21 kg, and water temperature remained at 18-198C. Pre-feeding f H typically ranged from 20 to 50 beats min
K1. Each feeding bout (meal sizes 2-7% of tuna body mass) was characterized by increased levels of activity and f H (up to 130 beats min K1 ), and a decrease in T V from approximately 20 to 188C as cold sardines were consumed. The feeding bout was promptly followed by a rapid increase in T V , which signified the beginning of the heat increment of feeding (HIF). The time interval between meal consumption and the completion of HIF ranged from 10 to 24 hours and was strongly correlated with ration size. Although f H generally decreased after its peak during the feeding bout, it remained elevated during the digestive period and returned to routine levels on a similar, but slightly earlier, temporal scale to T V . These data imply a large contribution of f H to the increase in circulatory oxygen transport that is required for digestion. Furthermore, these data oppose the contention that maximum f H is exceptional in bluefin tuna compared with other fishes, and so it is likely that enhanced cardiac stroke volume and blood oxygen carrying capacity are the principal factors allowing superior rates of circulatory oxygen transport in tuna.