DisclaimerThe University of Gloucestershire has obtained warranties from all depositors as to their title in the material deposited and as to their right to deposit such material.The University of Gloucestershire makes no representation or warranties of commercial utility, title, or fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty, express or implied in respect of any material deposited.The University of Gloucestershire makes no representation that the use of the materials will not infringe any patent, copyright, trademark or other property or proprietary rights.The University of Gloucestershire accepts no liability for any infringement of intellectual property rights in any material deposited but will remove such material from public view pending investigation in the event of an allegation of any such infringement.
PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR TEXT.This is a peer-reviewed, post-print (final draft post-refereeing) version of the following published document:
DisclaimerThe University of Gloucestershire has obtained warranties from all depositors as to their title in the material deposited and as to their right to deposit such material.The University of Gloucestershire makes no representation or warranties of commercial utility, title, or fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty, express or implied in respect of any material deposited.The University of Gloucestershire makes no representation that the use of the materials will not infringe any patent, copyright, trademark or other property or proprietary rights.The University of Gloucestershire accepts no liability for any infringement of intellectual property rights in any material deposited but will remove such material from public view pending investigation in the event of an allegation of any such infringement. The Internet through the world-wide-web has well and truly opened 'Pandora's Box' as far as the record industry is concerned, and there is no going back. The extensive use of illegal filesharing and illegal downloads of music tracks (totally for free) threatens the very survival of the record industry as we know it. Furthermore this behaviour threatens the very livelihoods of the employees, artists, and bands who work within the record industry. This paper reviews the current situation and then offers three possible scenarios for the future of the record industry (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly). Firstly, The Good, where the record industry survives; secondly, The Bad where the record industry dies a slow death; and finally The Ugly, where the record industry dies very quickly. The consideration of several key factors involved will help the industry to focus on maintaining The Good.