In this session several critical issues in diverticular disease were considered, including “It is Symptomatic Diverticular Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome?”, “What do determine evolution to diverticulitis, bowel habits alteration or inflammation?”, and “Prevention of acute diverticulitis: Is it at all possible?”.
The first talking compared symptoms and laboratory findings between Symptomatic Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease (SUDD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Although both disease share some symptoms, and although IBS can occur in patients having diverticulosis, SUDD and IBS can be differentiate using a combination of symptoms and laboratory tools.
The second talking debated what are the most important risk factors for the evolution towards acute diverticulitis. Current data seem to exclude a significant role of bowel habits alteration, while inflammation seems to have a stronger role, especially in causing acute diverticulitis recurrence.
The third talking analyzed about the acute diverticulitis prevention. Primary prevention seem to be little better when using mesalazine, while no definite conclusion can be drawn about the use of fiber and rifaximin. About the secondary prevention, no drugs can be currently advised due to lacking of definite results. At the same time, surgery should be advised on case-by-case basis.