Human vision is heterogeneous across the visual field. At a fixed eccentricity, performance is better along the horizontal than the vertical meridian, and better along the lower than the upper vertical meridian. These asymmetric patterns, termed performance fields, have been found in numerous visual tasks, including those mediated by contrast sensitivity and spatial resolution. However, it is unknown whether spatial resolution asymmetries are confined to the cardinal meridia or whether, and how far, they extend into the upper and lower hemifields. Here, we measured the extent of the vertical meridian asymmetry by assessing spatial frequency (SF) sensitivity at isoeccentric peripheral locations (10 degree eccentricity), every 15º of polar angle. On each trial, observers judged the orientation (±45º) of a suprathreshold grating stimulus varying in spatial frequency. We estimated 75%-correct SF thresholds, SF cutoff points (i.e., chance-level) and slopes of the psychometric function for each of the 24 isoeccentric locations. We found higher SF sensitivity in the lower than the upper hemifield, with this asymmetry being most pronounced at the vertical meridian and decreasing gradually as the angular distance from the vertical meridian increased. This gradual change in SF sensitivity with polar angle reflected a shift of the psychometric function without reliable changes in slope. The same pattern was found under binocular and monocular conditions. These findings advance our understanding of visual processing around the visual field and help constrain models of visual perception.