Klebsiella sp. strain CT-200 lacks both its plasmid-borne lac operon, which specifies ,-galactosidase I, and its chromosomal lac operon, which specifies flgalactosidase II, but it expresses a gene for a third,8-galactosidase, ,B-galactosidase Ill, constitutively. CT-200 was examined to determine whether there was a,galactoside permease associated with the ,B-galactosidase III gene. The failure of CT-200 to transport thiomethyl-fl-galactoside, o-nitrophenyl-fl-D-galactopyranoside, phenyl-,B-galactoside, lactulose, or galactosyl-arabinose was taken as evidence that B-galactoside permease is not part of a fi-galactosidase III operon. Optimal assay conditions for ,8-galactosidase III, whose activity was used as a measure of B-galactoside transport, are reported here, as are an improved purification method and some physical and catalytic properties of the enzyme not previously reported. ,-galactosidase III (BGase-III) of Klebsiella is a "cryptic" ,8-galactosidase synthesized by derivatives of strain RE1544. It was first detected in a lactose-negative mutant, strain RE1755, which had lost both of its lac operons and thus failed to synthesize ,8-galactosidases I and II (9, 13). BGase-III synthesis is induced by lactose (5, 9) and by methyl-,B-galactoside (5), but not by thiogalactosides, melibiose, or galactose (5, 9). Both the chromosomal and plasmid-borne lac operons include genes for permease, as well as for,B-galactosidase (13). Since both lactose and methyl-,f-galactoside are able to induce synthesis of BGase-III, it is clear that these sugars do enter the cell. It thus seemed reasonable to inquire whether there might be a permease gene associated with the gene for BGase-III. MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacterial strains. All strains were derived from Klebsiella ap. strain RE1544 (13). This strain is not designated specifically K. pneumonia or K. aerogenes because of the lack of agreement among different authorities as to what should be included in these taxonomic groups (9, 13). RE1755 is a Lac-Galmutant of RE1544 in which neither the chromosomal nor plasmid-borne lac operons produce active ,B-galactosidase (9, 13), but in which synthesis of BGase-III is induced by lactose and by methyl-,8-galactoside (5, 9). Strain CT-1 is a Lac+ Gal' spontaneous mutant of RE1755 in which synthesis of BGase-III is no longer inducible by lactose, although it is still inducible by methyl-,B-galactoside (5). Strain CT-200 is a mutant of strain CT-1 which synthesizes BGase-III constitutively. The isolation of strain CT-200 is described in the text. Strain CT-200 was the source of BGase-III for this study. Media. Minimal medium, consisting of phosphate