Participants' demographics and language background is described on Table 1. We registered the following variables: subjects' age with a means of 34.77 and sex, being female two thirds of the sample. Subjects' educational background was homogeneous, all of them with tertiary or university studies, either ongoing or complete (66.77%). The use of English at home included 81% of the sample, whereas immersion in an English-speaking country corresponds only to 18%. We also registered subjects' English studies in different contexts with only 18% in kindergarten, 62.2% at Primary school, most of the sample, 91.1% at Secondary school, and 58.9% at university. In addition, participants' self-reported level of English was asked in terms of CEFR levels. As almost a third of the sample does not know their CEFR level (26.7%), we addressed proficiency measures with LexTALE scores, as explained in the experimental section of the manuscript. In addition, a ranked self-reported English proficiency from 1 to 7 has a mean of 5.46. Frequency of English use during the free time was also ranked from 1 to 7 scores, with a mean of 5.77, together with the frequency of English use at work or during studies, with a mean of 5.31. Finally, we registered the subject's knowledge of other languages besides English. Only a 13.33% has studied Portuguese, a 14.4% has studied French, both verb-framed languages, and an overwhelming