for contributing so generously to some of the publication costs.Wikus van Zyl and Emily Vosloo at AFRICAN SUN MeDIA have, furthermore, been superb in their support, encouragement and advice. It really does make a huge difference to have responsive and encouraging publishers.And finally, thanks so much, Crain Soudien, for agreeing to write the foreword in spite of your busy schedule. This work is built on an important and significant inquiry into Higher Education which you led a decade ago.
A special note from RobI would like to give special thanks to the following: Ronelle. With your knowledge, critical and empathetic insights, social conscience, and down to earth sense of humour, working with you has not only been a very enriching intellectual experience but great fun too. Genay Dhelminie, Nwabisa Madikane and Marinice Walters-Kemp (the three administration officers in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology). Your friendly, thoughtful and helpful manner plays a key part in making the department open and accessible to everyone.The students I teach for teaching me. Thanks for the animated conversations, in the lecture theatre and in smaller groups, about gender, sexuality, race and class and for laughing at some of my jokes.The Critical Academic Practitioners (CRAP) postgraduate support for turning research into a social activity and sharing research insights, innovative methods, anxieties and pleasures in a friendly pedagogic space. Thanks to