An N,N‐dimethylformamide (DMF)/water mixture was selected to analyze several distillation‐assisted mechanical vapor‐recompression (MVR) heat‐pump processes compared to conventional distillation. Four distillation processes (i.e., conventional, a single MVR, MVR‐conventional, and two‐stage MVR‐double‐column heat pumps) were simulated by using the Aspen software platform to determine the energy savings and best alternative. The research results showed that a single MVR heat‐pump distillation can save 21.4 % of the energy consumption as compared to conventional distillation; the MVR‐conventional heat‐pump distillation and the two‐stage MVR‐double‐column heat‐pump distillation can save 71.1 % and 74.6 % of the energy load, respectively.