Using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) the annealing characteristics of amorphizing implants of Mg and Si in semi-insulating InP have been examined. Substantial redistribution of Mg and Fe occurs during 30 rain anneals of InP implanted with i0 I~ cm -~, 250 keV Mg. Atomic profiles indicate that Mg and Fe are gettered out of the amorphous zone into an implant damaged, bulk region. Examination of electron channelling patterns (ECP) from samples annealed for 30 rain at 550 ~ and 650~ show no discernible patterns at the surface or at depths near the theoretical damage profile peak. Weak channelling patterns are visible at the calculated peak damage depth, however, in samples annealed at 750~ for 30 and 60 rain. Flat tails of Mg extending over a distance of about 1 ~tm are seen in the bulk. Little redistribution of Si occurs during 30 rain, 750~ anneals of 5 • 10 TM cm -~, 240 keV Si implants. Redistribution of Fe is observed in these Si implanted samples, however, resulting in an accumulation region near the implanted Si peak.In the preceding paper, 9Be implants into semi-insulating InP were shown to result in considerable redistribution of Be, Fe, and Cr upon annealing. In this * Society Student Member. ** Eleetrochemlcal Society Active Member.