In this paper we continue the study initiated in [FGN12] concerning the obstacle problem for a class of parabolic nondivergence operators structured on a set of vector fields X = {X1, ..., Xq} in R n with C ∞ -coefficients satisfying Hörmander's finite rank condition, i.e., the rank of Lie[X1, ..., Xq] equals n at every point in R n . In [FGN12] we proved, under appropriate assumptions on the operator and the obstacle, the existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to a general obstacle problem. The main result of this paper is that we establish further regularity, in the interior as well as at the initial state, of strong solutions. Compared to [FGN12] we in this paper assume, in addition, that there exists a homogeneous Lie group G = (R n , •, δ λ ) such that X1, . . . , Xq are left translation invariant on G and such that X1, . . . , Xq are δ λ -homogeneous of degree one.