The enhancements in IT solutions and the open science movement are injecting changes in the practices dealing with data collection, collation, processing, analytics, and publishing in all the domains, including agri-food. However, in implementing these changes one of the major issues faced by the agri-food researchers is the fragmentation of the "assets" to be exploited when performing research tasks, for example, data of interest are heterogeneous and scattered across several repositories, the tools modelers rely on are diverse and often make use of limited computing capacity, the publishing practices are various and rarely aim at making available the "whole story" including datasets, processes, and results. This paper presents the AGINFRA PLUS endeavor to overcome these limitations by providing researchers in three designated communities with Virtual Research Environments facilitating the use of the "assets" of interest and promote collaboration.
K E Y W O R D Sagroclimatic modeling, food safety risks assessment, food security, virtual research environment
INTRODUCTIONThe developments in information and communication technologies, including big data availability and management, web and cloud technologies,as well as open science-related practices are not yet fully embraced by the Agriculture and Food Science research domain. 1,2 The fragmentation of "resources" needed to exploit these new opportunities across several and heterogeneous "places" is certainly one of the major factors hindering this uptake process, for example, data are heterogeneous and scattered across several repositories, modeling tools and supporting systems are diverse, the amount of available computing capacity varies a lot across teams and laboratories.The AGINFRA PLUS project has been set up to develop an innovative approach in Agri-food digital science practices aiming at overcoming the limitations stemming from the above settings by leveraging on existing e-Infrastructures and services. In particular, AGINFRA PLUS promotes the exploitation of Virtual Research Environments (VREs) 3 to provide designated communities with seamless access to the data, services, and