The functions of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are regulated by a host of co-regulatory proteins. Tissue-specific expression of these co-regulators leads to distinct expression patterns and regulation of thyroid hormone (T3) target genes in tissues. Previously we have found that human colon carcinoma RKO cells exhibit strong T3-independent transcriptional activity. We therefore searched for co-regulatory proteins in RKO cells using a yeast two-hybrid system with the intact TR1 as bait. One of the three positive clones, designated as P3, was identified to be an isoform of human mitochondria branched-chain aminotransferase (BCATm). P3 was a spliced variant of BCATm with an internal 12-amino acid deletion near the carboxylterminal region and was abundantly expressed in RKO cells. The expressed protein localized both to the mitochondria and the nucleus of transfected CV1 cells. P3 physically interacted with TR1 in a T3-independent manner that led to the inhibition in binding of TR1 to thyroid hormoneresponsive element. P3 not only enhanced the repressor activity of the unliganded TR but also repressed the liganddependent activation of TR. This repression was reversed by treatment of cells with trichostatin A, suggesting that in addition to the inhibition of DNA binding, the repression activity of P3 on TR may also be mediated by histone deacetylase activity. Thus, unlike the currently known corepressors, P3 is a novel ligand-independent co-repressor for TR.
Thyroid hormone receptor (TR)1 is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that acts as ligand-dependent transcription factor to control cell proliferation, differentiation, and homeostasis (1). Two distinct genes, TR␣ and TR, give rise to four hormone-binding TR isoforms (␣1, 1, 2, and 3) by alternative splicing (1, 2). The tissue specificity and differential expression of TR isoforms indicate that they play distinct functional roles in vivo (3,4). This is demonstrated by the finding that TR-knockout mice show very different phenotypes from TR␣1-deficient mice. TR regulates transcription by binding to thyroid hormone response element (TRE) as a homodimer or heterodimer in the promoter region of target genes. The transcriptional activity of TR relies on the types of TRE as well as on T3. In the presence of T3, TR functions as a transcriptional activator that binds to positive TREs and as a repressor that binds to negative TREs.Modulation of gene expression by TR involves the coordination of a network of co-regulatory proteins, including co-activators and co-repressors. Binding of ligand to TR induces a conformational change that promotes dissociation of the corepressors and recruitment of the co-activators, leading to gene activation. Unlike other nuclear hormone receptors, TR and retinoic acid receptors are able to bind to their target genes in the absence of ligands and actively repress transcription (5-8). The repression is mediated by a silencing domain in the carboxyl terminus (5, 9 -11) that also harbors several other functions, includ...