Ci 3 H 5 N 5 0 8 , Μ = 359.22, monoclinic space group P2Jc, a = 6.838(1), b = 6.754(2), c = 30.845(6) Α, β = 93.23(2)°, Ζ = 4, V = 1422(1) Ä 3 , D x = 1.677 gmc -3 , λ = 0.71069 Α, μ = 1.3 cm" 1 , fl(000) = 728. The crystal structure was determined by direct methods and refined by least-squares procedure to a discrepancy factor R = 0.033. π-Electron densities were calculated by CNDO/2 calculations. The aromatic character of the six-membered ring of the dinitrobenzofuroxan fragment disappeared and a polymethinic structure is built up in the molecule.