Summary:The Kety-Schmidt technique can be regarded as the reference method for measurement of global aver age cerebral blood flow (average CBF) and global average cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (average CMR02). However, in the practical application of the method, dif fusion equilibrium for inert gas tracer between the brain and its venous blood is not reached. As a consequence, normal values for CBF and CMR02 of 54 ml 100 g-I min -I and 3.5 ml100 g-I min -I obtained with the Kety Schmidt technique are an overestimation of the true val ues. Using the Kety-Schmidt technique we have per formed 57 measurements of CBF and CMR02 during EEG-verified wakeful rest in young normal adults. In or der to estimate the equilibrium values for CBF and CMR02, a simple computer-based simulation model wasIn 1944, Seymour S. Kety, then working in the laboratory of Carl F. Schmidt, developed the first method to quantitate global average cerebral blood flow (average CBF) and global average cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (average CMR02) (Kety and Schmidt, 1945;Schmidt, 1982). The method is based on the Fick principle and thus represents a practical application of the law of conservation of matter. Due to its solid theoretical foundation, the Kety-Schmidt technique is today, 48 years later, still accepted as the reference method for determi nation of average levels of CBF and CMR02 (Siesjj