Classical proprioceptors, like Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles are absent in the extraocular muscles (EOMs) of most mammals. Instead, a nerve end organ was detected in the EOMs of each species including sheep, cats, rabbits, rats, monkeys, and man examined so far: the palisade ending. Until now no evidence appeared that palisade endings are present in canine EOMs. We analyzed dog EOMs by confocal laser scanning microscopy, 3D reconstruction, and transmission electron microscopy. In EOM wholemount preparations stained with antibodies against neurofilament and synaptophysin we found typical palisade endings. Nerve fibers coming from the muscle extended into the tendon. There, the nerve fibers turned 180° and returned to branch into preterminal axons which established nerve terminals around a single muscle fiber tip. Fine structural analyses revealed that each palisade ending in dog EOMs established nerve terminals on the tendon. In some palisade endings we found nerve terminals contacting the muscle fiber as well. Such neuromuscular contacts had a basal lamina in the synaptic cleft thereby resembling motor terminals. By using antibodies against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) we proved that canine palisade endings are ChAT-immunoreactive. This study shows that palisade endings are present in canine EOMs. In line with prior findings in cat and monkey, palisade endings in dog have a cholinergic phenotype.
Keywordsproprioception; dog; extraocular muscle; palisade endings; choline acetyltransferaseThe sense of body position (proprioception) is recognized by specialized receptors in skeletal muscles. These proprioceptors, like Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) or muscle spindles, measure either muscle contraction or muscle stretch and contribute with this information to the cognition of posture. Extraocular muscles (EOMs) take an exceptional position as classical proprioceptors show a broad interspecies variation in their occurrence [21]. Specifically, muscle spindles can only be found in EOMs of mice [20], even-toed ungulates (goat, sheep, pig, camel, cow) [3,16,24], and man [7,19,22] nerve terminals establish contacts on the tendon. Additionally, in some palisade endings of these species nerve terminals contact muscle fibers as well. Rabbits [6] and rats [11] are an exception because in palisade endings of these species exclusively neuromuscular contacts were observed [6,11].At the moment the function of palisade endings is a matter of debate whether these structures are sensory [1,2,8,11,24,29,30], motor [3,15,16,26] The clinic for ophthalmology of the Veterinary University Vienna provided us with the orbits of a 7 years old male/castrated Magyar Vizsla dog. The animal was euthanized because it suffered from a severe glaucoma in both eyes. The orbits were dissected and all rectus EOMs from both sides including the distal tendon were removed. The muscles were immersion-fixed in 4 % paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 for 4 hours and then rinsed in 4°C in 0.1 M PBS pH 7.4. EO...