A permutation whose any prefix has no more descents than ascents is called a ballot permutation. In this paper, we present a decomposition of ballot permutations that enables us to construct a bijection between ballot permutations and odd order permutations, which proves a set-valued extension of a conjecture due to Spiro using the statistic of peak values. This bijection also preserves the neighbors of the largest letter in permutations and thus resolves a refinement of Spiro's conjecture proposed by Wang and Zhang. Our decomposition can be extended to well-labelled positive paths, a class of generalized ballot permutations arising from polytope theory, that were enumerated by Bernardi, Duplantier and Nadeau.We will also investigate the enumerative aspect of ballot permutations avoiding a single pattern of length 3 and establish a connection between 213-avoiding ballot permutations and Gessel walks. c 1 `z 1 ´z has several algebraic or combinatorial interpretations (see [13, A000246]), among which are two classes of restricted permutations:‚ permutations whose any prefix has no more descents than ascents, called ballot permutations; ‚ permutations which are the products of cycles with odd lengths, called odd order permutations. Denote by B n and O n the set of ballot permutations and odd order permutations of length n, respectively. For instance,