Background: lower cross syndrome results from muscle strength imbalance in the lower segment. It is characterized by specific pattern of muscle weakness and tightness that cross between the dorsal and ventral sides of the body. In lower-crossed syndrome, the patient typically has anterior pelvic turn, elevated lumbar lordosis (swayback), and weak abdominal muscles. Inaction may also have a detrimental effect on the mechanics of the body, such as immobilization, disuse or excessive postural discomfort, such as sitting at the workstation for long periods of time and poor posture .It also involves tightness of the iliopsoas, rectus femoris, fascia lata tensor, adductor group, gastrocnemius, and soleus. Pressure biofeedback device is used for the purpose of measuring and treating the transverse abdominis muscle. This study is needed because over time due to prolonged daily activities and lack of regular exercises in young people, this leads to muscle imbalance which leads to low back pain in this population. The goal of the study is to screen for lower cross syndrome in asymptomatic individual.
Aim and objective:To screen for lower cross syndrome in asymptomatic individual. Materials and Methods: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 300 individuals will be included in the study and the respective evaluation procedure for lower cross syndrome will be carried out.
Result:The expected results would include the data about whether lower cross syndrome would be detected in the asymptomatic individuals. Data will be analyzed using paired T-test.
Conclusion:based on the previous data of test and assessment we assume it will be beneficial in relieving the symptoms of lower cross syndrome.