DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d220631
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The performance and genetic variation of first and second generation tropical alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

Abstract: Abstract. Suwignyo B, Arifin L, Umami N, Muhlisin, Suhartanto B. 2021. The performance and genetic variation of first and second generation tropical alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Biodiversitas 22: 3265-3270. This study aimed to compare the growth performance, nutrient content, seed viability, and genetic variation of first- and second-generation alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). First and second-generation alfalfa seeds were obtained from the Forage and Pasture Science Laboratory, Department of Animal Nutrition and F… Show more

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Cited by 5 publications
(11 citation statements)
References 18 publications
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“…Research on alfalfa has been conducted for agriculture, animal husbandry, healthcare, and food industries. In the fields of agriculture and animal husbandry, research has been conducted using various developmental models at the laboratory scale ( Suwignyo et al, 2017 , Suwignyo et al, 2020a , Suwignyo et al, 2020b , Suwignyo et al, 2020c , Suwignyo et al, 2020d , Suwignyo et al, 2021a , Suwignyo et al, 2021b , Suwignyo et al, 2021c , Suwignyo et al, 2022 , Suwignyo and Sasongko, 2019 ). In animal husbandry, alfalfa is used as highly nutritious forage for both ruminant and non-ruminant animals to increase livestock production and improve the nutrient content of the meat, eggs, and milk produced.…”
Section: Academic Development Of Alfalfamentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Research on alfalfa has been conducted for agriculture, animal husbandry, healthcare, and food industries. In the fields of agriculture and animal husbandry, research has been conducted using various developmental models at the laboratory scale ( Suwignyo et al, 2017 , Suwignyo et al, 2020a , Suwignyo et al, 2020b , Suwignyo et al, 2020c , Suwignyo et al, 2020d , Suwignyo et al, 2021a , Suwignyo et al, 2021b , Suwignyo et al, 2021c , Suwignyo et al, 2022 , Suwignyo and Sasongko, 2019 ). In animal husbandry, alfalfa is used as highly nutritious forage for both ruminant and non-ruminant animals to increase livestock production and improve the nutrient content of the meat, eggs, and milk produced.…”
Section: Academic Development Of Alfalfamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The research on tropical alfalfa by Bambang Suwignyo has progressed significantly since 2010 (e.g., Suwignyo et al, 2020a , Suwignyo et al, 2020b , Suwignyo et al, 2020c , Suwignyo et al, 2020d , Suwignyo et al, 2021a , Suwignyo et al, 2021b , Suwignyo et al, 2021c , Suwignyo et al, 2021d , Suwignyo et al, 2022 , Suwignyo and Sasongko, 2019 , Suwignyo et al, 2017 ). Some alfalfa varieties/species have been used as study materials for cross-breeding studies using specific treatments such asthe use of dolomit fertilizer, and by varying the duration and wavelength of lightduring cultivation.…”
Section: Academic Development Of Alfalfamentioning
confidence: 99%
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