Narrow sense heritabilities of tolerance to NaCl were estimated in seven grass species using seedling root length after three weeks growth in solution culture containing NaCl. Heritability estimates were obtained from i) female parent-progeny regression, and from ii) selection response and selection differential (realized heritability).Estimates from parent-progeny regression; and realized heritability respectively for each species were as follows Lolium perenne L. 0.44,0.39; Dactylis glomerata L. 0.32,0.24; Agrostis stolonifera L. 0.28,0.27; A. casteliana L. 0.26; 0.31; Holcus lanatus L. 0.19, 0.23; Festuca rubra L. 0.44, 0.36; Pucinnellia distans (L.) PARL. 0.72, 0.77. These data suggest that in all species except perhaps H. lanatus, improvement in seedling NaCl tolerance could be obtained through further selection and breeding.